The Winter Journey of Sacred Endings

A 10-week ceremonial, rites of passage journey of embodying the season of winter and turning inward to rest, release, rebirth, integrate, and allow the process of regeneration to unfold within our inner landscape cultivating fertile soil for the new year.

We begin on January 22nd - March 30th, gathering together on zoom every Tuesday at 5-6:30 EST for ten weeks in ceremony & community.

Registration ends on January 20th

photos by :: Thais Aquino

& Jasmina Janjic


as winter seems like a bleak point of stillness where there’s seemingly not much happening, there is an entire process of regeneration beneath the surface. here, during the longest nights of the year as the sun begins to renew itself, we are invited to turn inward, slow down, listen to the voice within, and greet our inner landscape, intentionally being with, severing, and marking our endings, as we consciously emerge with our tender seeds towards Spring.

Many refer to winter as a season that we fear. we long to exist in continuous expansion, growth, and achievement. we exist within a culture that fears death, endings, or any type of change. we carry forward with a false belief that if we are to be still, are to be experiencing grief, and aren’t always achieving something, then we are doing something wrong. yet operating within continuous expansion, always achieving, and riding the wave of perpetual summer ultimately leads us to our downfall.

In order to actually create regenerative lives beyond the external systems of growing our own food, making sustainable financial investments, or renewable energy, we also need intentional rest, a season of contraction, a sacred pause, and reorienting into our next season of life with clarity, discernment, and wholeness. the experience of winter within our lives is actually essential.

We welcome in the dark time of the year, the threshold, the sacred menstruation, the magic dark, the fertile void.

Throughout this 10 week journey, you will be held and guided through the stages of rites of passage, guided embodiment practices, weekly workbooks, personal intentional ceremony, weekly community support calls, winter embodiment ritual calls, 2 1:1 coaching & integration sessions with Mandalynn, guest teachers, & the tools and resources to assist you in navigating change, transition, endings, and new fertile beginnings.

In order for us to consciously and intentionally embark in new beginnings and chapters in our lives, we have to consciously sever from what we need to leave behind in the fertile compost of our lives.

For us to be fully in our lives, connected to our visions with clarity & deep conviction, and truly move forward in life, we cannot be fragmented into the past, the present, and the future. When we operate in this way, we end up not being able to function within our wholeness, in our service, and live sustainably in our lives. When we consciously sever from our endings through ceremony, ritual, rites of passage, and are able to process our longings, our grief, and the magic of who we are within community - alchemy happens.

It is in the dark fertile winter, where it seems as though nothing is happening, yet an entire process of regeneration is unfolding beneath the surface. By allowing this season to bring us into the depths, we are able to create the fertile soil for the tender seeds of Spring to blossom.

Journey into the dark time of the year held within a guided container, where the magic of our fertile soil is born.

A 10-week guided ceremonial rites of passage journey to assist those who are navigating life transitions, longing to compost sacred endings and step into fertile new beginnings.

This offering is for those who are longing for a deeper connection to their inner and outer landscapes, seeking support in moving through or embarking in a transition, ready to harvest their gifts and embrace their own unique path, to cultivate personal & meaningful ceremony & rituals, and are seeking guidance and support to stand in the next season of their life with clarity, insight, confidence, and regeneration.

A Journey of Depth, Slowness, & Regeneration —

This sacred process of incorporating ceremony, rites of passage, ritual, embracing & embodying the season of winter, and embarking in this group journey allows us to name what is longing to be composted, mark your sacred transition, and step into the process of integration & wholeness.

This allows us to be fully in our lives, in our bodies, and in our experiences, so that we can operate from the fertile place of now. 

All of you gets to exist here. Each part of you adds important context into the story of who you are and what makes you, you. This isn’t a place of eradicating suffering, but rather calling in the darkness and allowing it a seat at the table of acceptance and unity.

This isn’t a place to ascend, achieve, or move beyond. This is a dark fertile place where the magic of our lives, our dreams, and our deepest longing is born through our own integration. And in order to create a flourishing garden, we must ensure that our soil is fertile, to nourish the seeds in the form of dreams that we long to plant.

In a regenerative context, nothing is ever lost or wasted, it is all added as fertility into the compost pile of your own soil. This is the process of doing so, ensuring your endings are nourishing, supportive, and fruitful.

A sacred process of composting and rengenerating within the inner landscape.

— The Journey —

  • Week 1 :: Foundation

    During the first week, we will explore an introduction to ceremony, stages of rites of passage, & winter embodiment to build the foundation for your journey.

  • Week 2 :: Severance

    In the second week, you will gain clarity on what needs to be released from your life, embarking in the first stage of a rites of passage.

  • Week 3 :: Decompose

    In the third week, we will drop into guided grief water ritual around what we are longing to release in order to create room for the dark void of Winter.

  • Week 4 :: The Threshold

    Throughout the fourth week, we will embark on entering the liminal space; the space between what was and what will be.

  • Week 5 :: The Fertile Dark

    In the fifth week, we will gather in the dark void, the liminal, embrace the great mystery, meet our shadow, and engage in collective ritual around thresholds.

  • Week 6 :: Personal Ceremony

    In the sixth week, you will engage in your day-long personal ceremony to ignite your intention and mark your transition.

  • Week 7 :: Emergence

    In the seventh week, you will emerge after your ceremony and the core of our journey, harvest the gifts from diving into the depths, and anchor them into embodiment.

  • Week 8 :: The Return

    The eight week consists of discovering clarity, purpose, and creating an embodied plan of action towards what has been harvested from going deep into the liminal.

  • Week 9 :: Incorporation

    In week 9, we engage in collective ritual, incorporate nervous system regulation, integration of the journey, the ceremony, and the seasonal shift into Spring.

  • Week 10 :: Closing & Marking

    In our final week, we will celebrate, integrate, and incorporate our journey together. We mark the transition from Winter to Spring, as well as the individual transitions .

“Floods, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, and other natural disasters, while potentially devastating, and sometimes altering the landscape permanently, at the same time create fertile soil for new life forms to come. Nature is our blue print for how to adapt, how to be with change, how to die to what was and birth into what will be, over and over again, form after impermanent form. Since the early days of human kind, initiatory ceremonies have helped us mark major life changes and enabled our psyche to track its journey around the wheel of an ever-evolving becoming-ness.”— School of Lost Borders

  • Weekly Workbooks & Embodiment Practices

    • Weekly PDFs including material around ceremony, ritual, the stages of rites of passage, earth wisdom, & regenerative framework that you can turn to as a guide for a lifetime.

    • Weekly embodiment rituals, ecopsychology practices, journal prompts, and guidance on deepening into your journey.

  • 9 Community Support & Connection Calls

    • A weekly focus, discussion, and guidance on embarking the different stages of the rites of passage.

    • A sense of belonging and connection within a kindred soul community.

  • 3 Ritual Calls & Guest Teachers

    • Ritual calls to support you throughout the journey through severance, threshold, and incorporation rituals.

    • Guest teachers bringing the medicine of a water grief ritual & nervous system regulation

  • Mentorship, Guidance & Support

    • Weekly support and access to and from Mandalynn as your guide as we dive into separation, grief, despair, fear, the unknown, trust, stepping into our wholeness, and reclaiming who we truly are.

    • 2 separate 1:1 calls with Mandalynn to assist you in your process and journey.

    • An option to participate in the What’sApp group chat for connection and deepening together.

    • Engage in rites of passage council calls with previous journey members after the journey is complete.

  • Nourishment + Growth

    • Rest, nourishment, integration, and clarity as you embrace the blossoming of Spring.

    • Space and support to dive into the inner work that has been calling to you.

    • The tools to navigate and embrace transition and change within your life.

    • A deepened understanding of regeneration, your purpose, your vision, and clarity of what your work and gifts are in this world.

    • The tools and resources to navigate transition within your own life.

So that you can

  • Create space to deepen into the gift of Winter and mark your transition into Spring.

  • Spend intimate time with yourself, fellow community, and the more-than-human world to gain clarity on your path and a deeper sense of self as you embark on this new beginning and stage of life.

  • Apply the context of the stages of rites of passage to your life to assist you in navigating change and transition, providing you the ability to move into the next season of life with deep understanding, clarity, conviction, and momentum towards the Spring.

  • Begin the year by a profound connection with your internal and external landscape.

  • Allow the process of regeneration to unfold by being in an intimate process of decomposition of what no longer serves you.

  • Integrate and learn the beauty, power, and importance of your shadows, your pain, your past, and your cyclical nature.

  • Develop a strong and intimate connection to the land you live within and the medicine that lies beneath your feet.

What you will receive ::

I’m your guide & companion, Mandalynn

I’m a rites of passage guide, permaculturalist, ceremonialist, depths dweller, & internal composter with a BA in psychology, multiple permaculture design certificates, a trained facilitator in ecopsychology, ceremony, & rites of passage, with the embodiment of living in deep connection to the cycles of change in my daily life.

I weave together the wisdom & cycles of the earth, ancient tools of permaculture, regenerative framework, ecopsychology, ritual, ceremony, and rites of passage. Through my time spent living in spiritual and intentional community, I’ve found that for all of us to truly create the more beautiful world, we must cultivate the inner landscape. 

Throughout the past few years I’ve embarked on the most profound rites of passage of my life (thus far) and it’s been a journey of truly coming home to myself. I left my home, my “dream job,” my beliefs, my community, and basically everything that made me, me.

I surrendered to the call and trusted my intuition to lead me forward, even when none of it made sense. I allowed the things in my life to fully disintegrate, as I traversed the unknown & the liminal, deep within a cocoon of an inner Winter, and ascended from the depths back into the ordinary world. This period of time reshaped me, alchemized me from my core, and put me into deeper alignment with my true purpose.

Through this timeframe, I integrated the tools and knowledge of ceremony, ritual, and rites of passage through a Global Ceremony & Rites of Passage Training with my teachers Haaweatea Holly Bryson from Nature Knows and Katie Asmus from Somatic Wilderness Therapy Institute. I interwove these teachings into my regenerative tool box - all of which assisted me into regenerating my inner landscape and embarking on a new journey - one that was deeply aligned with my soul.

I aim to model embodied, regenerative, and interdependent leadership, utilizing the teachings, leading from a place of deep remembrance, as well as moving through the stages of rites of passage within my own inner landscape. My deep wish is to meet you where you are at, assisting you on the journey, while standing next to you, hand in hand.

It is an absolute honor to be your guide and companion in the process of coming back home.

This journey is for you if,

  • You are wanting to deepen your understanding and embodiment of personal ceremony and engagement of the stages of rites of passage.

  • You are craving to be in a container to encourage the culture of slowing down, turning inward, being with our shadows, listening to Earth’s wisdom, and grounding into our fullness of the human experience.

  • You are wanting to deepen your connection and cultivation of your inner landscape.

  • You have the time, space, and emotional capacity to give to regenerating your inner landscape during this timeframe.

  • You are longing to let go of something close to your heart such as a breakup, a death of a loved one, an ending of a chapter closing, a dream that you’ve had to let die, a heartache that won’t stop beckoning at you, or anything that you feel you must release in order to step into the next phase of your journey.

  • You are in a time of deep transition or are feeling called to step into a new beginning.

  • You desire to live in alignment with the seasonal shifts of Earth

The weekly time commitment

  • A 1.5 hour call once a week on Tuesdays at 5-6:30 EST

  • Space within your week to be able to dedicate time to dive into the reading materials, writing prompts, journal entries, reflection, personal ceremony, nature connection, and integration.

  • A full day in the middle of our journey to dedicate to a personal solo ceremony

  • Any extra time you may want to dedicate to this process and spend time with your inner and outer landscape

“Connection with Nature and ceremony is in our blood and in our bones. If you open up the doorway to include nature-based ceremony into your healing work, you invite in additional guidance, support, healing forces, and other ways of knowing and perceiving in support of life transition.”

- Ceremony & Rites of Passage Global Training


Register for the Winter Journey of Sacred Endings