A 3-month 1:1 container of radical death & rebirth
The death of who you were and the birth of who will become.
photos by wildbodyphotography
For the woman who is ready to let go of what is no longer serving them and step fully into the next season of their lives…
anchored in their purpose, their authentic medicine, and their power.
For the woman who is longing for the ability to let go, alchemize, transform, and fully step into all that they dream of.
This is for the woman who is moving through a transition from the Maiden to Mother :: from the Victim into her Power :: into the Creator of her life :: into claiming her value, her worth, her medicine, and her gifts :: of rising into her leadership & sacred service :: of being a magnet for her desires and dreams.
For the woman who is ready to face her fears, move beyond her limiting beliefs, cross the threshold into the life she’s longing for, anchor into her power & truth, and create the life she deeply desire - from the roots of her being - up.
This journey is a container of Soul Alchemy - weaving together the modalities of soul alchemy coaching, shadow work, deep introspection, ritual & ceremony support + guidance, nature-based practices, guidebooks, and continuous support from Mandalynn as you embark in your initiation.
Shedding the old version of yourself and stepping into the woman you truly are - now.
The Journey
The first month will be a deep dive of peeling back the layers on what is blocking you from stepping fully into your aligned path, the next iteration of your growth, & all that you know you are capable of. You will begin the process of gaining clarity, letting go, cultivating sacred boundaries, engaging in ritual, ceremony, and starting the shift of your frequency to the woman you desiring to be - the life you are longing to cultivate. This is the process of the subconscious becoming conscious and moving forward with profound precision, clarity, and alignment.
You cannot enter the next season of your life without the process of letting go of where you’re currently at.
The threshold is not what you were, yet not what you will be. This is the alchemical cauldron in which your transformation lies - through a day-long personal ceremony, you will alchemize who you were into who you truly are - leaving behind the layers that are no longer supporting the truth of who you are and crossing the threshold into all that you are becoming. This is pure alchemy.
You will not be the same woman you were. This is the space of radical transformation, death & rebirth.
The third month is aligned-action oriented as you enter into the next season of your life as the woman you truly are. You will be lovingly held accountable to show up in your new embodiment, into cultivating your deepest dreams, and sharing your gifts, medicine, and truth unabashedly. This month will be the integration, landing, and incorporation of the woman you are, now. Together, we will cultivate a plan that allows this journey to continue to ripple out into the rest of your life, beyond your own personal embodiment.
This is the embodiment of Princess to Queen. Into the Sacred Creator of your life - in your power, purpose, and full embodiment.

This is a deep dive into the underworld,
alchemizing shadows into gold,
rising into your power, medicine, Queendom,
& anchoring into a life beyond your imagination
Creating the life of your dreams,
from the inside out.
My love… do you have big dreams, big visions, and a desire to live your life in alignment with your calling, your soul, and your fully wild self?
Are you longing to fully step into all that you know is possible for you?
Do you crave to have someone supporting you to transform into all that you know that you are capable of?
Do you feel the call or hear that whisper that you need to make radical shifts within your life and step into the fullest embodiment of who you know you truly are?
If the answer to those questions are YES… then this is for YOU.

This is a journey of radical transformation and rebirth ~ from the roots of your being.
This is the death of who you were and the beginning of the woman you know you’re capable of becoming.
This is the beginning of you living in full alignment with your wildest dreams.
We need you.
The truth is, the more beautiful world we long for isn’t created through you playing small, allowing your fears to keep you stagnant, not feeling good enough, or by being afraid to fully be seen… in all that you are.
It’s created through you listening and following the calling of your heart and soul.
Through stepping fully into your sacred medicine, service, and power.
Through claiming what you deeply desire, dreaming big, and taking aligned action.
Through facing your fears, taking that leap, and being devoted to what you know is possible.
Through being the Creator of your own life & owning your Queendom.
And it is my mission & deepest desire to support you in the process of blossoming into the fullness of who you are, the medicine you hold, and your wildest dreams.
About The Journey
This is your invitation to fully step into the life you dream of,
the visions you hold, and the woman you know you are capable of becoming…
This is a journey of letting go of old belief systems, ways of being, ways of identifying, ways of operating that are outdated with the woman that longs to blossom in her fullness, her power, and the life she deeply knows is possible.
This is a journey of stepping fully into your power, your medicine, your ability to be seen, and activating your Queendom.
This is a journey of creating your dream life, living in alignment with your Soul, and emerging into all that you are capable of.
This is not a “how to” mentorship. This is a deep alchemical journey that will shift your frequency, who you be, how you show up, and the magical life that will blossom from this place of rebirth.
This is an alchemical container of death of who you were and the birth of the woman you know you’re capable of becoming.
Into your power. Into your medicine. Into the creation of your dream life.
Weaving together soul alchemy coaching, shadow work, activations, mirroring, guidebooks with journal prompts, practices & rite of passage context, a day-long solo quest ceremony, ritual & ceremony support + guidance, and continuous support from Mandalynn to initiate you through this rebirth portal.
What you will receive
(2) 1:1 Coaching sessions with Mandalynn per month to support your process of gaining clarity on what needs to be let go, alchemized, transformed, and embodied as you anchor into this next version of yourself.
These sessions with Mandalynn will serve as the doula for your process of death & rebirth, reflection of truth, radical empowerment & support, subconscious reprogramming, and profound alchemy + transformation. Sessions will also include rituals, ceremony, integration, somatic embodiment, energetic support, and rite of passage support.
Voice message & text support Monday-Friday during business hours to support the depth, alchemy, and real-time transformation of your process - meeting the process in the moment.
Continuous guidance, reflection, support, and mirroring throughout every week to support you on your journey of letting go, alchemizing, and entering a powerful season of rebirth.
Bi-weekly Guidebooks to support you through the stages of the rite of passage that you embark in.
Including journal prompts, embodiment practices, rituals, nature connection practices, music playlists, and a day-long solo ceremonial guidebook.
Radical Transformation
Space and support for you to be fully held as you let go, travel into the underworld, alchemize all that you are letting go of into all that you are becoming, and blossom with long-term sustainable change in your life.
A permanent shift in your being and frequency - creating your dream life from the roots up.
Empowerment, support, and loving accountability to truly embody the woman, medicine, and gifts you came here to share.
A clear plan of aligned action on how to bring this transformation forward in your daily life.
Everything shifting in alignment with the truth of who you are - from your life from this container forward.
This is for you if —
You are in the midst of transition or feel the call to embark in transition - an ending, an in-between, or a new beginning.
You are wanting to fully step into your power, your purpose, your medicine, your leadership, and the Creator of your life.
You are wanting to share your offerings, be seen in your fullness, and make money doing what you absolutely love.
You are ready to become a magnet for money, clients, and your deepest desires.
You are ready for radical transformation in your life.
You are longing for deep mentorship and support to assist you crossing the threshold into the life you envision for yourself.
You are ready to leave behind what isn’t in alignment or serving you growth anymore and step into who you truly are.
You are ready to transform your life - from the roots up.
Meet Your Guide & Companion,
Mandalynn’s devotion is supporting women to embark in radical transformation through the process of embarking in a modern day rite of passage.
Through this process, she supports women in the journey of descending into the underworld - leaving behind what is no longer serving them, connecting them with the truth of their Soul, and crossing the threshold into all that they truly are. Beyond societal and familial conditionings, beyond the “shoulds,” and beyond what they believed was possible for them… the true process of rewilding at the core of who we are.
She supports the process of radical empowerment, activation of gifts + personal medicine, the cultivation of living a soul-aligned life, & is a supportive doula to the death of who you were & anchoring into the truth of who you are.
Her medicine is fierce, bold, loving, and deeply supportive to assist you in embodying the fullness of who you are, the life you deeply dream of, and activate the wild woman within.
She is a tender of the underworld, studies the intricacies of the layers of the descent and ascent - understanding that we must let go of anything we are clinging onto to truly become who we are longing to be. Her embodiment of death and rebirth lends to her natural ability of guiding others through the continuous process she undergoes.
A forever student of the alchemical process of life, she has become a master at undergoing such journeys, alchemizing, harvesting the gold from the shadows, and stepping deeper into her medicine every day.
“My Rite of Passage journey with Mandalynn was like an oasis in a desert. Stepping into Mandalynn’s container was like balm for my soul. She held me as I crossed the threshold into my personal power to rise & receive in love the next big phase of my journey: stepping into marriage, land stewardship, & preparing to become a Mother.
The container she held for me was soft, spacious, pristine & clarifying. I was calling in support to move through the next chapter of my life with clarity, power & confidence, but didn’t resonate with a coach or a therapist for the process I was moving through.
I’m so grateful that I was guided to reach out to Mandalynn, because the space she held for me was the perfect balance of loving, compassionate healing work with discerning reflection & aligning action with goals.
As a guide, Mandalynn continually pointed me back to the wisdom of my heart & soul. She gave me tools to anchor more deeply into the initiations of my life, and now I have a shared reality and context for the transformational process that I am carrying with me deep in my bones. Mandalynn’s Rite of Passage work gave me a template for understanding, integration, & navigating the wild terrain of soul initiation work. Her presence is deeply attuned to the inner workings of the soul, her capacity for deep empathy helped me feel safe and held, & her sensitivity helped me tune into subtle senses & feelings that may have otherwise been ignored if I was just moving through my day-to-day. These deep insights were like shining gems through our journey and the attunement she modeled for me has continued to help me pause & listen for the wisdom of my heart, body & spirit in my daily life in whole new ways.
I highly recommend this work to anyone seeking to move through life’s initiations (ending a job, moving, a break up, a wedding, a death, a birth, an awakening) with coherence, consciousness, clarity & purpose. We don’t have to be dragged by life, we can be lifted - and Mandalynn supported me in lifting my head high through one of the most intense initiations of my life so far. I feel empowered, confident, clear, & ready to move into this next chapter with all my wisdom, power & pleasure available to me. ” ~ Haris Adele, Creative Coherence Consultant
“I was held through a 3 month death and rebirth container, followed by a 1:1 immersion in Taos, NM with Mandalynn.
I went through an intense death of releasing the old ways of being, old programs, old stories I had been telling myself. This process was excruciating at times, full of fear, uncertainty, shame, doubt, rage, grief and a literal sense of dying in moments.
I know for a fact I would not have made it through and where I am today with out Mandalynn's support and the support of our container.
I felt the support throughout my journey from her, in those darkest moments she was there to give and support my process through compassion, validation, curiosity, safe space holding, I felt capable of continuing to move through and dig deeper to find the deeper truths my soul was yearning to show me!
Mandalynn is really good at meeting me where I am and also offering questions that allowed me to get curious about how I was operating and to learn to trust deeper in my inner truth and knowing, it was like she could see the bigger picture and her ability to encourage me to my depths is where I was able to shine light on many aspects that were keeping me stuck. Allowing me to move through and find compassion for my journey and love for those parts and heal and find and embody the truth of what is, which has offered me a deeper sense of trust in who I be and how I see myself, others and the world around me!
Through this journey of self discovery I have found so much more of myself which is allowing me to show up to my life in bigger ways, more love and compassion for myself, and increased sense of purpose and the strength and ability to meet myself there. I have found my inner critic and the awareness of that has been such a game changer because I see it for what it is and no longer allow it to control my thoughts and life. I feel the capability I lacked prior to this container, I am actively creating the life of my dreams and it's all coming into form with such ease!
This process with Mandalynn has been truly life changing!
The experience I had with her in Taos and the lands was one of the most transformative!! I felt like light bulbs kept going off, the sense of that I was realizing so many things that had been in the dark about myself, my life, other people, perception….
I felt so loved and nurtured by Taos and the land, it offered so many perspectives and so much healing! The waters held and cleansed me, the mountains offered great awareness from a zoomed in and zoomed out lens of perspectives, the flowers, trees and animals guided and celebrated me!
I felt so loved, nurtured, seen and celebrated! Mandalynn has a very nurturing, loving spirit and also has a strength about her that offers a deep sense of safety, which allowed me to reach my depths!
Mandalynn poured into me!! She celebrated all my wins with me, she celebrated my fears as she knew I was reaching depths where light could come in and transform.
I am forever changed and forever grateful for this journey with her and highly recommend her as a practitioner, sister, guide to support the alchemy of death and rebirth! ” ~ Kristamy Rose
Easeful and accessible payment plans available upon request
This is an investment in your dream life, the woman you know you can be,
and the infinite possibilities that will blossom from your full body yes.
If you feel the call… it’s time to commit to the life you know is possible, my love.
Rebirth Container
+ 1:1 Immersion in Taos
Get a $1,000 discount when pairing the Rebirth Container with a 1:1 Immersion in Taos
** highly recommended by previous clients to receive the utmost support, transformation,
and embark in the most profound alchemy **
Feeling the call to embark in Rebirth?