1:1 Application
Rebirth Container Application
Rebirth is a 3-Month 1:1 Container to support you in shedding who you were, crossing the threshold into who you truly are, and stepping fully into your power, your leadership, and your ability to create the life you deeply desire.
The work we do within the container is subconscious coaching, rite of passage guidance, and high-level mentorship to support you in creating real long lasting change in your life. I will hold you to the high standard of how capable I know you are!
The container includes:
(2) 90-minute Coaching Calls per month (6 calls total)
Text Message & Voice Message Support M-F
Bi-Weekly Guidebooks with Rite of Passage Guidance, Journal Prompts, Practices, and Playlists
Ceremony & Ritual Support
An Option to Continue