For the women seeking a deep-dive 1:1 immersion on the sacred lands of Taos, New Mexico
– Rewilding | Rite of Passage | Rebirth | Soul Alchemy –
This is for the women who are seeking to embark in an intimate journey of profound rebirth, regeneration, and alchemy on wild lands.
Through deep 1-1 support, rituals, ceremonies, gentle yet profound plant medicines, land immersions, sacred solitude, and introspection with the natural world - a container of profound alchemy, transformation, and regeneration is woven.
These immersions are specifically designed to support you in the season of life that you are traversing - whether that is an ending and needing to let go, a new fertile beginning and needing to rise, or you’re in the initiatory stages of becoming.
Each immersion is designed to support you in embarking in a rite of passage :: to leave behind who you were and fully step into all that you are now — and who you are becoming.
Private immersions are designed to weave together your intention, your current life process, and mark a profound transition in your life.
These immersions aren’t a vacation or a site seeing experience - they are a deeply intentional ceremonial container to support you to embark and mark a journey of profound rebirth.
You will not leave as the same woman you arrived as.
This is an invitation…
To cross the threshold into the next season or cycle in your life.
To shed the outdated ways of being, existing, or identities that are no longer in full alignment with the truth of who you are.
To listen to the truth of your Soul, the wisdom of the natural world, & receive the guidance you need to move into the next season of your life, in alignment, integrity, and clarity.
To fully lay down all that you’ve been carrying and regenerate your inner landscape.
To be held in a safe, supportive, and alchemical container to allow you to meet your depths, alchemize, and rise.
This is where the fertile soil for your life is created.
“This process with Mandalynn has been truly life changing!
The experience I had with her in Taos and the lands was one of the most transformative!
I felt like light bulbs kept going off, the sense of that I was realizing so many things that had been in the dark about myself, my life, other people, perception….
I felt so loved and nurtured by Taos and the land, it offered so many perspectives and so much healing! The waters held and cleansed me, the mountains offered great awareness from a zoomed in and zoomed out lens of perspectives, the flowers, trees and animals guided and celebrated me!”
~ Kristamy, Rebirth Container & 1:1 Immersion Participant

This is for you if —
You are embarking in a rite of passage, transition, or a period of profound death and rebirth.
You are embarking in a season of Severance - letting go of a career, relationship, identity, way of being, or are being forced to let go of a season or chapter ending in your life.
You are in the liminal - not who you were, yet not who you will be. In the sacred void, unknown, mystery.
You are entering into a new season in your life - a new form of identity, a new way of being, a new frequency, stepping fully into your gifts, your medicine, your power, and your authentic self.
You are feeling stuck, lost, at a crossroads, and are longing for the spaciousness to receive the wisdom // clarity from your Soul & the natural world.
You are seeking clarity on your next steps, your purpose, your sacred mission, and are longing to connect to the wisdom from within & without.
You are seeking a container that can hold you to reach your depths and allow you to the space and 1-1 support to actually transform.
You are seeking support in uncovering & alchemizing subconscious blocks and programming, and crossing the threshold into the next season of your life with clarity, confidence, and alignment.
You are on the cusp of immense transition and change.
You are wanting to mark, honor, and anchor your transition // rite of passage in your life.
You are longing for a spacious container to take a pause, turn inward, be deeply nourished, and drink from the well of the wild.
You are ready for immense change in your life and are wanting to commit to a life-changing 1:1 immersion.

Deep Dive 1:1 Support
Receive deep 1:1 support as you embark in a journey of profound transformation.
Mandalynn meets you where you are at, holds space for you to turn inward towards your inner landscape, to listen to the whispers of your inner knowing and guidance of your Soul, and supports the profound wisdom, clarity, and newfound insight that arrives within the immersion.
Mandalynn also holds the container for you to uncover, meet, and work through self limiting beliefs, subconscious blocks, and shadows, while supporting the process of alchemizing your pain into your purpose and power.
The death of who you were and the birth of who you truly are.
This is the deepest form of mentorship and support Mandalynn offers.
Prior to the immersion, you will have a 30-minute 1:1 call with Mandalynn to anchor into the intentions you want to hold within the immersion - whether that be to mark a rite of passage, to let go of a season, chapter, or identity, to hold a sacred question, or to enter into a new phase of life, way of being, or identity.
If you’re seeking additional support, Mandalynn offers 1:1 sessions and containers in addition to the immersion at a discounted rate.

Ceremony & Ritual
Meet the sacred through curated ceremonies and rituals to hold your intention and what you are currently navigating in your life.
1:1 immersions are deeply intentional, in which Mandalynn will co-create rituals and ceremonies with you to support your unique process.
We move out of the mind and into the Sacred - merging the process of alchemy with the natural world.
Ceremonies and rituals will include —
Rite of passage rituals
Daily cha dao tea ceremonies
Nature-based rituals and ceremonies
Somatic movement and dance
An option for one day-long ceremony in solitude // with Mandalynn

Land Immersion
Merge your Spirit and Soul with the wild landscape of Taos, New Mexico.
It is an absolute honor and privilege to weave with these wild lands - as they hold the pristine frequency of wild, sovereignty, the landscape of crossing the threshold.
We will be weaving deeply with the wisdom of the land throughout the immersion - allowing you to deeply listen, receive the wisdom of from the Soul / land, and regenerate your spirit on these sacred lands.
Our immersion with the land will include —
Hiking, river dipping, sunbathing naked, hot springs, contemplation in Nature, deep listening & solitude, nature-based rituals & ceremonies, as well as options for a day-long ceremony & camping, if desired.
These lands have deeply impacted and forever altered Mandalynn’s life.
She holds the vision & prayer that if you are called, it will for you too.
With deep honor and respect to the original inhabitants of the land, as well as the current indigenous peoples of the land - The Tiwa & Puebloan people.

Solitude & Sanctuary
This is a container to support you in turning the gaze inward, steeping in the sacredness of silence and solitude, and reconnect to the wisdom within and without.
There is an invitation here to meet yourself, deeply and profoundly, and drink from your internal well.
Time for solitude in the natural world will be deeply honored and held within this container — as we hold the wisdom of being in solitude within the natural world as a foundational element for alchemy and regeneration of the inner landscape.
This is for you to be deeply nourished, resourced, and connected to the truth of your inner knowing.
There is wisdom from your Soul that longs to be listened to and integrated.
This is the container to merge with the Sacred.

Embark in a rite of passage.
Reconnect to the wisdom of your Soul.
Receive guidance from the more than human world.
Cross the threshold into a new season of your life.
Reawaken to the truth of who you are.
Mandalynn Freeman
Mandalynn’s devotion is supporting women to embark in radical transformation through the process of embarking in a modern day rite of passage. She weaves her medicine through retreats, virtual & in-person containers.
Through this process, she supports women in the journey of descending into the underworld - leaving behind what is no longer serving them, connecting them with the truth of their Soul, and crossing the threshold into all that they truly are. Beyond societal and familial conditionings, beyond the “shoulds,” and beyond what they believed was possible for them… the true process of rewilding at the core of who we are.
She supports the process of radical empowerment, activation of gifts + personal medicine, the cultivation of living a soul-aligned life, & is a supportive doula to the death of who you were & anchoring into the truth of who you are.
Her medicine is fierce, bold, loving, and deeply supportive to assist you in embodying the fullness of who you are, the life you deeply dream of, and activate the wild woman within.
She is a tender of the underworld, studies the intricacies of the layers of the descent and ascent - understanding that we must let go of anything we are clinging onto to truly become who we are longing to be. Her embodiment of death and rebirth lends to her natural ability of guiding others through the continuous process she undergoes.
A forever student of the alchemical process of life, she has become a master at undergoing such journeys, alchemizing, harvesting the gold from the shadows, and stepping deeper into her medicine every day.
Connection to Land | Sense of Place
Although Mandalynn is not native to these lands, they have deeply supported, nourished, & initiated her, as they held her through the birthing of her rite of passage work. She holds deep awareness, recognition, and understanding of the profound gift and privilege it is to be able to bring individuals to weave with these lands. This container is held with the prayer to be a contribution of cultivating a regenerative culture through the profundity of this work.
Through her personal communication, connection, and ceremony with these lands, she received the guidance and permission to bring others to commune with the ancient wisdom here.
In integrity with creating and upholding regenerative business practices, a percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the Taos Pueblo & Taos Land Trust.
Details —
These immersions are curated towards what you are currently navigating
and seeking in your life.
Immersions can include tea ceremony, rituals, elemental ceremony, land immersions, visiting sacred sites & ashrams, hiking, hot springs, rewilding, camping, solitude, spaciousness, and deep rest to listen, process, & regenerate, and deep 1:1 support & guidance.
Each immersion is 4 days. The days can be adjusted depending on your needs.
Day 1 - Arrival + Landing + Intention Setting Ritual + Opening Ceremony
Day 2 - Morning Ceremony, Land Immersion, Evening Ceremony
Day 3 - Full Day Ceremony
Day 4 - Integration + Ritual + Departure
For more information & questions, email mandalynnfreeman@gmail.com
“My experience at Rebirth was extremely potent and powerful as I’m walking through the grief of losing my daughter. A safe space to express and explore my experience while being guided through ceremony, ritual, breath work, and nature. A sisterhood created from the depths. I’ve worked with Mandalynn in the past and will continue to in the future. Her work is authentically life shifting and supportive for life transitions. Her medicine and collaborations with others creates a space that celebrates our shadows and allows us to walk through the threshold towards empowerment and complete surrender. What a blessing it is to receive and be a part of such incredible work being done on this earth through Mandalynn’s retreats. We sang, weeped, hiked, screamed, wrote, burned, laughed, cuddled and created bonds for a lifetime. Thank you Mandalynn for your medicine!”
~ Lexi Novak, Former ROP Client, Mother, and Support for Loss Mothers
“Attending Mandalynn’s Rites of Passage retreat was deeply transformative. Prior to the retreat, I was going through a time of overwhelm, intensity, & anxiousness. During the retreat morning tea ceremonies, I was able to pinpoint the spaces in my life that are contributing to being out of alignment & out of optimal health. I transformed through simple nature connection journeys that brought me back to harmony- seamlessly connecting me back to my “why” & what i need to change to live more in alignment. I also felt the peace within to truly connect with womb and lineage— in a way I have not before. I truly cannot imagine my life without Rites of Passage work at this point- a sacred bridge that has been lost in tradition. Thank you, Mandalynn, for being a human bridge to guide us back to these practices! If you are debating Rites of Passage work with Mandalynn, know that you have been guided to the opportunity. Trust that it WILL transform you & inspire you to surrender, celebrate, express, heal…in a way you haven’t before. I wish everyone understood how deeply transformative this work is.”
~ Carly Rose, Former ROP Client, Mentor & Entrepreneur
"I was able to heal this weekend in ways that weeks of therapy would could not touch. You are so gifted and I'm so grateful you've chosen to share that with us and the world. I love you so much 😭😭 Happy tears, I'm overwhelmed with love. My heart is beating again, for awhile I just expected it to stop."
~ Lynz, Widow, Death Doula, Psychedelic Integration
"Mandalynn brings the medicine of deep, tangible, space holding and safe creation containers to have you explore the medicine of the mirror- and have the chance to look deep within. Her experience and deep teachings come through strong yet gentle, so you can experience tangible shifts and easeful expansion. Mandalynn embodies the free heart of the maiden, the tender heart and care taker of the mother, and the wisdom of the wise woman, and invites you to soak in all the elements with her. The space she holds is strong, and when she invites you into that space with her, it’s an invitation to hold that strong space within yourself too. Transformation is the threshold she masters, and you get to expand into that with her work."
~ Tona Moon, Wild Woman, Earth Tender, Doula
"My experience with Mandalynn’s work has been truly incredible. She holds a safe space that feels inviting to drop into and trust. She is both skillful and intuitive in guiding reflection, connection, alchemy, and transformation. In my experiences with her, I felt heard, seen, and empowered to cultivate my own inner wisdom and a deepened sense of reclamation. I had many breakthroughs and moments of insight that have supported my journey in profound ways. I give eternal bows of gratitude to Mandalynn for who she is, her work, her integrity, and her potent service to the world. Her devotion to her work is truly palpable and embodied. A precious and deeply impactful gift to experience and receive from."
~ Stacey Nelson, Yoga Teacher, Retreat Leader, Mentor