Spring Journey of Fertile Beginnings
— A rite of passage journey for those embarking in sacred transitions —
photos by :: Mel Neubek
An 8-week group rite of passage journey of embodying the transition of Spring as you release, alchemize, and become reborn into the next season of your life.
We begin on April 4th to May 23rd,
gathering together on zoom every Thursday at 5-6:30 PM EST for eight weeks in community.
Registration ends on April 3rd
:: A rite of passage journey for those embarking in transition as we move from the ending of Winter into the fertile beginning of Spring ::
For the women who are ready & longing to move into the next stage of life by
severing from what is no longer in alignment
alchemizing your sacred endings into fertile beginnings
marking your rite of passage and entering into the next season of your life
cultivating fertile soil for you to blossom in integrity & alignment
For the women who are moving through transition and change in their lives ~
Whether you’re navigating a time of severance - letting go of a chapter, relationship, career change, ways of being, or ways of identifying that are no longer in alignment with who you’re being called to be.
If you’re in the liminal or in-between - you’re not who you were, yet you’re not who you will be.
Or you’re entering into a new season of life where you are fully stepping into the next iteration of your journey, your purpose, your career, your medicine, your roles in life, and your identity.
This is for you.
This is a container to support you to dive deep, to release what is no longer in alignment with the truth of who you are, to be held, witnessed, and supported within a circle of women, & to alchemize your sacred endings into fertile beginnings to blossom into the next season of your life.
This is not just a group container -
this is a sacred portal of death & rebirth.
An intentional ending and beginning.
A collective cauldron for profound alchemy.
This is a space for you to bring all of you to the table, to allow yourself to descend to ascend, to cultivate fertile soil for the rest of the year, to intentionally embark in an ending and beginning.
This is for you to cross the threshold into who you are — now.
When we intentionally mark a rite of passage in our lives in ceremony and community, we allow alchemy, transformation, and the ability to fully step into the next season of our lives with clarity, embodiment, integration, & deep interconnection with the truth of who we are — now.

Through this 8 week journey, you will be held and guided through the stages of a rite of passage, embodiment practices, weekly workbooks, one intentional day-long ceremony, weekly rite of passage council calls, a 1:1 coaching session with Mandalynn, & the tools and resources to assist you in navigating transition, as you alchemize your sacred endings into fertile beginnings.
Embarking in a rite of passage allows us to alchemize our endings into fertile beginnings, regenerating our inner landscape.
In a time of a living within a fast-paced, hustle and grind, linear culture - we are in deep necessity of a container that supports the process of intentionally marking a sacred ending and beginning in our life - a rite of passage.
This is a journey of returning to our origins :: our natural way of living :: our sacred seasons & cycles :: the natural world & rhythms :: our fertile soil :: regenerating the inner landscape
Throughout this 8 week journey — you will be held and guided through the stages of rites of passage, receive weekly workbooks, embark in a day-long intentional ceremony, attend weekly community support calls, drop into a 1:1 integration session with Mandalynn, & acquire the tools and resources to assist you in navigating change and transition.
This is for the women who are ready to embark in change, alchemy, and transformation.
Whether you’re in a time of complete loss, grief, the unknown, or are entering into a time of expansion, newness, and excitement — you are fully invited to join us and come as you are.
When we are able to mark a rite of passage through community, we are able to fully step into the next season of our lives with profound clarity, integration, empowerment, and embodiment.
This is the prayer of regeneration that I hold for us as a collective.

The Spring Journey of Fertile Beginnings is a journey for those who are called to step into the next phase of their life, who may be in the midst of a transition, and who are ready to embark in a rite of passage into the Earth’s new year.
Week 1 :: Opening
During the first week, we will drop into opening ceremony, weave our intentions, and anchor into rite of passage context & Spring embodiment.
Week 2 :: Severance
In the second week, you will gain clarity on what needs to be released from your life in order to blossom into the next season of your life. Holding grief & praise. A sacred ending.
Week 3 :: Decompose
In the third week, we will drop into guided embodied ritual around what we are longing to release in order to create room for the new growth of Spring.
Week 4 :: Threshold
Throughout the fourth week, we will embark on entering the liminal space; the space between what was and what will be.
Week 5 :: Ceremony
During week five, you will embark on a day-long solo ceremony around what you are marking during this journey - what is ending & what is beginning.
Week 6 :: Emergence
In the sixth week, you will emerge after your ceremony and the core of our journey, harvest the gifts from diving into the depths, and anchor them into embodiment.
Week 7 :: The Return
The seventh week consists of discovering clarity, purpose, and creating an embodied plan of action towards what has been harvested from going deep into the liminal.
Week 8 :: Closing
In our final week, we will celebrate, integrate, and incorporate our journey together.
About The Journey
This is an alchemical container of death of who you were
and the birth of the woman you know you’re capable of becoming.
This journey is designed to hold you through your depths, as you let go, surrender, alchemize, mark your rite of passage, and enter into the next season of your life.
Over the course of the journey, we will be navigating the energetics of the transition of Spring, eclipse season, and mercury in retrograde - which signals a portal of permanent change and transformation.
This is a pivotal time of change. We need one another as we navigate these potent times of transition.
Whether we are ready for change or not, we are being redirected to our destiny.
This is a container for you to fully lean in and allow the rebirth to unfold as a result.
Held by a web of women embarking in transition, this is a container for you to be completely reborn as we collectively mark a rite of passage in each of our lives. A community of women that are woven for lifetimes.
Through sacred community, nature-based ceremony and rituals, rite of passage council & guidance, and mentorship ~ a portal of profound and permanent transformation is woven.
Mandalynn’s devotion is supporting women to embark in radical transformation through the process of embarking in a modern day rite of passage. The compost pile is her teacher, as embodies the truth that true expansion cannot happen unless we tend to our depths.
Through this process, she supports women in the journey of descending into the underworld - leaving behind what is no longer serving them, connecting them with the truth of their Soul, and crossing the threshold into all that they truly are. Beyond societal and familial conditionings, beyond the “shoulds,” and beyond what they believed was possible for them…
The true process of rewilding at the core of who we are.
She supports the process of radical empowerment, activation of gifts + personal medicine, the cultivation of living a soul-aligned life, & is a supportive doula to the death of who you were & anchoring into the truth of who you are.
Her medicine is fierce, bold, loving, and deeply supportive to assist you in embodying the fullness of who you are, the life you deeply dream of, and activate the wild woman within.
She is a tender of the underworld, studies the intricacies of the layers of the descent and ascent - understanding that we must let go of anything we are clinging onto to truly become who we are longing to be. Her embodiment of death and rebirth lends to her natural ability of guiding others through the continuous process she undergoes.
A forever student of the alchemical process of life, she has become a master at undergoing such journeys, alchemizing, harvesting the gold from the shadows, and stepping deeper into her medicine every day.
Meet your guide, Mandalynn
When rite of passage work found me, so much of my life began to make sense. My life path has continuously woven transition after transition, death and rebirth, rising from the ashes as the Phoenix - over and over.
I went from studying the alchemical process of the compost pile to studying the alchemy that happens when we intentionally embark in a rite of passage - a sacred ending and beginning through community, ritual, ceremony, and nature connection.
It was in the depths when my life fully crumbled - my job, career path, identity, community, house, relationships - everything that made me, me - when I found my entrance into the world of rite of passage work. It was then when I understood that there is a way we can navigate transition and change in a way that empowers us and catalyses us to enter into the next iteration of who we are - in alignment with our Soul, our dharma, and perhaps a way that was unforeseen, yet mysteriously and magically woven beyond our perceived imagination.
When we embark in a rite of passage, we allow ourselves to be reconfigured by life. When we surrender, let go, and enter the descent of the void, we are able to harvest the wisdom that comes from the depths of our being. But we can only receive it if we choose to embark in the journey.
I am not a guide that shows up having “completed” this alchemical process, as I am a forever student of life and this work. I walk this path with you, hand in hand, supporting you to cross the threshold as I continue to cross my own. I hold the torch for you to see the mountain when you’re in the valley. I hold you as you embark in the liminal - not who you once were yet not who you will be. I celebrate you and hold the mirror for you to see the truth of who you are.
It is my deepest honor & honor to hold this journey for you, as we embark in a collective rite of passage - alchemizing from our depths and becoming reborn in the fertile season of Spring.
“Floods, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, and other natural disasters, while potentially devastating, and sometimes altering the landscape permanently, at the same time create fertile soil for new life forms to come. Nature is our blue print for how to adapt, how to be with change, how to die to what was and birth into what will be, over and over again, form after impermanent form. Since the early days of human kind, initiatory ceremonies have helped us mark major life changes and enabled our psyche to track its journey around the wheel of an ever-evolving becoming-ness.”
— School of Lost Borders
This is for you if ::
You are embarking in an ending :: a relationship, a career path, an identity, ways of being, a changing season or chapter in your life.
You are in the liminal or in-between :: not who you once were yet not who you will be. You’re embarking in the unknown and entering into / are in the fertile void.
You’re embarking in a new beginning :: stepping into your medicine, sharing your offerings, shifting into a new identity, changing your career path, moving to a different location, stepping from maiden to mother, expanding into new horizons.
You are craving to be in a container to encourage the culture of slowing down, turning inward, being intentional with our transitions, alchemizing our endings into fertile beginnings, connecting to the wisdom of Earth & Soul,
You are longing to be held, witnessed, and supported within a community of other women as you embark in the shifting changes of Spring.
You are ready and longing for change.
You have the time, space, and emotional capacity to give to regenerating your inner landscape during this timeframe.
You are committed to embarking in a journey of alchemy, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
You are READY to expand into the next season of your life with intention, clarity, integration, and embodiment.
Join the Journey
Pay in Full
Early Bird $100 discount until 3/27
Payment Plan
Early Bird $100 discount until 3/27
2 x $250