Rooted Regenerative Mentorship
Regenerating Our Beings from the Roots Up
photo by: Thais Aquino
Rooted Regenerative Mentorship Sessions
Dive deep into embodying regeneration in every facet of your life and avoid perpetuating Separation Culture
One-on-one mentorship, where we hold space for your inherent wisdom to blossom through the lens of regeneration, ecopsychology, earth-based wisdom, & ceremony and rites of passage.
We will meet in the frequency that is needed for you to deepen your understanding of rooted regeneration, to create spaciousness in building relationships with the living world, to allow for slow integration, to unlearn & rewild, and to receive guided support in your process of becoming and blossoming. To sign up for the entire mentorship, we will meet once a week for three months.
I am offering these mentorship sessions at a discounted rate of $60 per session, with a bundle package of $600 for the three-month long journey.
Cultivate the fertile soil of your life with Rooted Regeneration.
Together, we’ll grow regeneratively from the roots up.
I believe in a world where…
Embodiment is the forefront of our intention; to be truly l i v i n g regeneratively, not just sharing ideas of regeneration.
So what does embodying regeneration look like?
We are connected to our food, our community, our local environment, our loved ones, our passions, our purpose, and our breath.
We have time and spaciousness to be an active participant in life.
We value the unseen, the depth, the process, the connections, and the relationships around us.
We build strong relationships with the plants around us, the medicines in our bioregions, the local waterways, the incredible humans that surround us, and our divine purpose on this planet.
We lift one another up, open space for collaboration, and value the unseen and marginal.
We love our bodies, love our shadows, our humanness, and alchemize our darkness into gold.
For us to create a truly regenerative future, all of our unique gifts are necessary.
We can reconnect with the roots of our humanity and contribute to the regeneration of our planet. Separation Culture distorts our basic needs for natural resources, food, knowledge, fulfillment, and connection & intimacy in ways that contribute to extraction, oppression, & separation. Separation Culture thrives on our dependence on false narratives, on our reliance on monocultures for our natural resources, our food, our knowledge, our fulfillment, and our surface level connection.
Photo by: Thais Aquino
We are the Roots of Regeneration, and we have the power to disrupt Separation Culture.
Let’s shift from Separation towards a Culture of Regeneration, together.
Separation Culture is the antithesis of our roots.
We are meant to live and thrive in the rhythms of the Natural world, which is our inherent Nature. We have been stripped away from our roots, our ancestors, our ability to naturally regenerate.
Separation culture thrives on our internalization and reproduction of false narratives that condition us to believe we are separate from the living Earth and our internal landscapes.
When we live disconnected from the living world, we live disconnected from the roots of our humanity and give away our agency in creating a regenerative future.
Within Separation Culture, we are separate from our natural cycles, seasons, environment, inner and outer Nature, our pain, grief, emotions, and cyclical processes. This reveals itself through spiritual bypassing, greenwashing, production mindset, excessive consumption, growing an inch deep and a mile wide, toxic masculinity, and the suppressing or avoiding shadow work.
Our roots are the source of our interconnection. Within the roots, we find our depths, our grounding, our integrity, our nourishment, our foundation. It is the space where regeneration begins.
When we are rooted, we cannot be separate.
Photo by: Thais Aquino
I’m Mandalynn. I help passionate individuals embody regeneration through reconnecting with their inner and outer landscapes to avoid perpetuating separation culture.
Through my time spent teaching, learning, and living in regenerative communities for 5+ years, I have seen how Separation Culture works as the dominating narrative that strips us away our agency in creating a regenerative future.
I had the picture perfect “regenerative life,” with the tiny house, eco-village, gardens, intentional community, you name it! But I was still overworked, underpaid, exploited, burnt-out, depleted, and abused. I began to recognize the extreme importance of the incorporation of the inner landscape, the place where we cultivate our fertile soil for life.
My research and experience led me to find that the only way regeneration can exist in integrity is with a foundational root system, which creates the fertile soil for our livelihoods.
Our work together is in creating a regenerative future from the roots on up, so we can all avoid perpetuating Separation Culture in our dreams, our lives, and our work.
Photo by: Thais Aquino
Mentorship Details
We meet once a week for three months, for a total of 12 sessions together, so that you can be immersed in your regenerative transformation. This can be flexible (more or less time) depending on what your needs and aspirations are.
We will meet via zoom, ensuring that you can meet with me wherever you are, and however you’re feeling.
I will give you:
guided support to work through ::
emotional processes, shadow work, blockages, burnout, healing from separation culture, reconnecting with your inherent wisdom, rewilding, unlearning false cultural narratives, reconnecting to your internal landscape, & reclaiming your personal truth and gifts.
guided journaling prompts to support and deepen within your unique journey
understanding and incorporation of ceremony
ecopsychology practices to bring you back to your personal truth and inherent connection with Earth
a framework for listening to your inner and outer landscapes
excerpts from regenerative leaders and expanders
+ nourishment for your journey of coming back home to your sacred being and planet.
We will also hold space for what wants to naturally emerge in the sessions, because every aspect of your life is essential to the whole-system. Each dimension matters. With this, you will begin to explore your inner landscape, deepen your connection with the land around you, understand and apply the regenerative framework to your life, and operate from a place of being interconnected with all life.
You’ll do a guided journaling prompt, ecopsychology practice & embodiment practice each week, where you will develop a relationship with your inner and outer landscapes - a connection that will continue to blossom and evolve after our time together.
The length of time that we meet together will be one hour a week. You are invited to spend as much time that feels right to you throughout your week to dive into your own exploration with the material and how you choose to fold it into your weeks. This will encourage you to learn to listen to your own inner guiding compass, have spaciousness to develop relationships with what is alive within and around you, and be able to receive weekly guidance and support in becoming an integral part of the roots of regeneration.
It costs $600 for 3 months or a discounted rate of $60 per session. A payment plan upon request can be implemented.
I want a world where we truly embody regeneration within our daily lives.
Where we are deeply connected to our environments externally and internally.
Where regeneration is not something merely talked about or taught, but lived through our daily experience, starting from the roots of our beings.
And I want to create this regenerative revolution with you.
We cannot do this alone, because all of our unique roles in the forest are vitally important.
Join me, as we create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, together.
Apply for Mentorship
There are two options for applying, which includes a free information session if you have any questions about the mentorship and I can assess your needs as to how I can best assess your needs.