Rooted Regenerative Mentorship
Weekly Sessions
We meet once a week for three months, for a total of 12 sessions together, so that you can be immersed in your regenerative transformation. This can be flexible (more or less time) depending on what your needs and aspirations are.
Develop Relationships
You’ll do a guided journaling prompt once a week, where you will develop a relationship with your inner and outer landscapes - a connection that will continue to blossom and evolve after our time together.
Accessible Wherever You Are
We will meet via zoom, ensuring that you can meet with me wherever you are, and however you’re feeling.
Deep Listening
You are invited to spend as much time that feels right to you throughout your week to dive into your own exploration with the material and how you choose to fold it into your weeks.
Deepen Your Roots
I will give you guided journaling prompts, ecopsychology practices, grounded permaculture teachings, a framework into listening to your inner and outer landscape, excerpts from regenerative leaders and expanders, and guided support as you continue to blossom into your being.
You will be invited and encouraged to learn to listen to your own inner guiding compass, have spaciousness to develop relationships with what is alive within and around you, and be able to have weekly guidance and support in becoming an integral part in the roots of regeneration.
Support for Emergence
We will also hold space for what wants to naturally emerge in the sessions, because every aspect of your life is part of the whole-system. Each part matters.
Cultivate Regeneration
Allow regeneration to run through your daily lives as a lived embodiment.
During and after our time together you will…
Have a grounded understanding of what it means to be regenerative on this planet and the foundations of permaculture.
Know how to create regeneration through applying permaculture to the land you live on or nearby.
Have a strong reciprocal relationship with the land you live within.
Have a stronger and grounded sense of connection to your purpose, your vision, and your place in your community.
Have a grounded framework on how to initiate a project within your environment and community.
Discover how to find the beauty and magic in every moment, honoring the slow and small moments within your days.
Find your place within the regenerative movement and have guidance along the way.
Develop relationships that are deep, profound, interconnected, and inspiring.
Develop a strong sense of self, where you live within your collective forest.
Become you, to the fullest and rooted capacity that you can.