— An Alchemical Winter Solstice Rite of Passage Retreat —

DECEMBER 20-22nd

Registration Closes on December 15th


photos by Christina Echevarria & Mel Neubek

This is a call for the women to gather in ceremony over the winter solstice, who are longing to release what is no longer serving them, alchemize from the depths of the fertile darkness, and transform into the next season in their lives.

Through daily nature communion on wild Florida lands, tea ceremony, rite of passage council, introspection and reflection, rituals, and embodiment practices… we weave together a container of profound alchemy on the winter solstice.

For the women who are seeking support in navigating a transition - a severance, letting go, or ending, a liminal, in-between, unknown quest or entering into a new stage of life… This is for you. 

For the women who are wanting to release what is no longer serving them, cross the threshold into all that they are becoming, and emerge into this next season of their life…

This is for you.

For the women who are longing to gather in sisterhood, reconnect to Earth’s wisdom, unleash their wild woman, gather & dance naked around the sacred fire, listen and anchor into their inner wisdom & truth, alchemize & transform through ceremony, and cross the threshold into all that they are becoming.

This is an alchemical container to support a sacred pause, a turning within, returning our innate wisdom, alchemizing from the depths of the fertile darkness, & emerging into the next season of your life with integration, clarity, and anchored vision.


A process of transforming Dark into Light.

Transforming our Shadows into Gold.

The portal of winter solstice cradles us on the darkest day of the year to tend to our fertile soils in order to bloom into our fullness.

This container weaves together a portal of alchemy as we let go, surrender to the great mystery, cross the threshold into all that we are becoming, anchor into our truth, & rise into the next season of our lives - together.

When we mark a rite of passage in our lives within community, the alchemy shifts out life indefinitely.

This is a turning point.

This is an initiation.

The Winter Solstice Portal

The Winter Solstice is the fertile soil in which we plant our seeds for the entire year. It’s an alchemical portal in which we get to lean into for profound transformation.

When we allow ourselves to descend into the depths of the quiet darkness, we are able to shed what is no longer in alignment with the truth of who we are, alchemize our shadows into gold, & cross the threshold into the next season of our lives, with the truth of who we are - now.

The Winter Solstice is darkest point of the year, marking a turning point in our lives. 

This is an invitation to go within, to be with what is present, to alchemize what is longing to be transformed, and emerge from the fruitful darkness.

This is a marking of a sacred rite of passage - a transition from one point in your life to the next -  an initiation into all that you are becoming & who you are, now. 

A portal of soul alchemy, rebirth, and regeneration.

Held by the seasonal shift of the winter solstice on wild Florida lands, we will alchemize from the depths and regenerate, together.

Our days will be spent in deep ceremony, authentic sisterhood, journeys with the land, rituals, somatic embodiment journeys, gathering and dancing around the fire, honoring the dark and emerging into the light, weaving together an alchemical container that will catalyze a profound shift within your life.

This is an invitation to bring all of you to the table, to feel the depths within you, and to allow your heart to crack open to life. To compost, alchemize, & be reborn.

This is not just a retreat away from your daily life to rejuvenate and reconnect to yourself… This is an alchemical container that will permanently shift your life and catalyze profound transformation.

You will not leave as the same woman you arrived as.

Your Guide

Mandalynn Freeman

Mandalynn is a Rewilding & Rite of Passage Guide, Ceremonialist, and Soul Alchemy Coach. Born from the Florida Cypress, with a background in Ecopsychology, Permaculture, Rite of Passage, & Coaching, she has been bridging individuals back to the natural world for over a decade, allowing them to regenerate their inner landscapes and experience profound transformation, radical liberation, and deep communion.

Growing up within the Jewish faith, she was born into ritual and marking seasonal shifts. From the age of 16, Mandalynn has always gathered her community around the campfire, creating the container for reconnection, rejuvenation, and remembrance.

This way of being in the world runs deep within her bones.

She assists women in navigating profound transition and change in their lives, marking the threshold of one season of life to the next, supporting the initiation into their authentic power, medicine, and service in the world.

She calls upon and weaves in the wisdom of Earth to support the process of death, rebirth, and regeneration. Her deepest mission is to be a bridge from the natural world and inner landscape, supporting the process of rewilding and true radical freedom within & without.

Our Forest Retreat Temple

The retreat location is located in remote North Florida, fully secluded on 40 acres of land.

This beautiful Florida Cypress cabin is surrounded by wild woodlands with deer and wild turkeys roaming.

This will be a shared accommodation.


One Payment of $888 or

Two Payments of $444


3 days of retreat

Tea ceremony, Nature Communion & Land Journeys, Rite of Passage Ritual & Council, Introspection + Reflection, Somatic Ecstatic Dance + Cacao Ceremony, Profound Transformation, Integration, & Rebirth

Farm to table meals each day

Shared accommodations are included each day

Does Not Include

Travel to and from the retreat

Registration Deadline

Registration Deadline is December 15th

Want To Join Us?

December 20th - 22nd

Arrival is 12 PM on December 20th

Opening Ceremony is at 4 PM on December 20th

Departure is 10 AM on December 22nd


  • “My experience at Rebirth was extremely potent and powerful as I’m walking through the grief of losing my daughter. A safe space to express and explore my experience while being guided through ceremony, ritual, breath work, and nature. A sisterhood created from the depths. I’ve worked with Mandalynn in the past and will continue to in the future. Her work is authentically life shifting and supportive for life transitions. Her medicine and collaborations with others creates a space that celebrates our shadows and allows us to walk through the threshold towards empowerment and complete surrender. What a blessing it is to receive and be a part of such incredible work being done on this earth through Mandalynn’s retreats. We sang, weeped, hiked, screamed, wrote, burned, laughed, cuddled and created bonds for a lifetime. Thank you Mandalynn for your medicine!”

    ~ Lexi Novak, Former ROP Client, Mother, and Support for Loss Mothers

  • "“Attending Mandalynn’s Rites of Passage retreat was deeply transformative. Prior to the retreat, I was going through a time of overwhelm, intensity, & anxiousness. During the retreat morning tea ceremonies, I was able to pinpoint the spaces in my life that are contributing to being out of alignment & out of optimal health. I transformed through simple nature connection journeys that brought me back to harmony- seamlessly connecting me back to my “why” & what i need to change to live more in alignment. I also felt the peace within to truly connect with womb and lineage— in a way I have not before. I truly cannot imagine my life without Rites of Passage work at this point- a sacred bridge that has been lost in tradition. Thank you, Mandalynn, for being a human bridge to guide us back to these practices! If you are debating Rites of Passage work with Mandalynn, know that you have been guided to the opportunity. Trust that it WILL transform you & inspire you to surrender, celebrate, express, heal…in a way you haven’t before. I wish everyone understood how deeply transformative this work is.”"

    ~ Carly Rose, Former ROP Client, Mentor & Entrepreneur

  • "After attending rewild in March, I was ready to sign up for rebirth as soon as Mandalynn announced it! The feeling of being held in the highland mountains, sitting with tea every morning, exploring mountains and waterfalls, is almost too much for words! These containers have helped me see just how capable I am to make massive shifts and brought so many beautiful life long friends into my life 🤍 If you have the opportunity to sit with this beautiful human in any of her offerings, don’t pass it up!"

    ~Maxine, Yoga Instructor & Mother