1:1 rites of passage journey
Cultivating regeneration within the inner landscape through ceremony, ritual, soul coaching, & rite of passage
An individual 6-week ceremonial rite of passage journey of moving into the next stage of life by releasing what no longer serves you, anchoring into the next season of your life, and emerging into alignment with the truth of your soul, cultivating fertile soil for your life to blossom.
A journey of deep soul medicine, soul alchemy, and radical rebirth.
a guided, transformative & alchemical 1:1 container
photos by :: thais aquino
1:1 rites of passage journey
A 6-week guided ceremonial rites of passage journey to assist those who are navigating life transitions, longing to compost sacred endings and step into fertile new beginnings.
This offering is for those who are longing for a deeper connection to their inner and outer landscapes, seeking support in moving through or embarking in a transition, ready to harvest and embrace their own unique wisdom, to cultivate personal & meaningful ceremony, and are seeking guidance and support to stand in their authentic gifts within their own ecosystem.
This is the process of cultivating regeneration within the inner landscape, from the roots up.

What is a rites of passage journey?
A rites of passage journey marks the transition from one phase of life to the next. Whether you are embarking in a new beginning, ending a chapter, or in a time of the deep unknown - the context, embodiment, and process of embarking in a rites of passage journey allows you to move through, process, digest, compost, and turn the page towards new horizons in deep connection with your soul and the Natural world.
Ancient nature-based societies honored the marking of a transition within the community, which allowed for deep health and well-being within each individual. Embarking in rites of passage provides a sense of deep renewal and connection, assist us in making sense of change, connects us with the sacred, and reconnects us with the ancient ways of cyclical living by honoring, marking, and embracing our own unique seasons.
Cultivating fertile soil by composting what needs to be released, participating in the alchemical process of ceremony, and stepping into a new beginning - one that reflects the truth of your soul.
W h y ?
Navigating transitions can be isolating and incredibly challenging, especially within a culture that tells us we need to keep moving onto the next thing, rather than honoring an ending or embracing the challenges of a new and potentially unknown beginning.
We weren’t given the tools to navigate change or listen to the call of our souls. We are taught to continue life in traditional society and swallow our deeper calling - a way of living that doesn’t align with most of us, especially for those of us who are connected to our bodies, our intuition, and the deeper wisdom of life.
This can create disharmony, disappointment, disease, and ultimately feeling dissatisfied with our lives that are so far away from what we are truly wanting to do, how we are truly wanting to live, and who we truly want to be.
However, when we are able to mark a transition and move through a rites of passage within a guided container, we are able to truly be present in our lives, in our change, in releasing the old ways of being and stepping into a new existence. We can utilize these potent times of transition for a rebirth of the soul.
Through this process, we cultivate deep, rich, and meaningful lives that are interconnected with the living world.

We each have different roles to play within the ecosystem. We each have our own unique medicine to give.
And I’m here to tell you that what you are deeply called to do, live, or be is absolutely essential for regeneration on this planet.
My vision of the more beautiful world involves each of us living in alignment with our values, our morals, and our deeper calling.
1:1 rites of passage journey is a journey for those who are called to step into the next phase of their life, who may be in the midst of a transition, and who are ready to release what they need to in order to anchor into a new way of being.

Journey Details
Through this 6 week journey, you will be held and guided through the stages of rites of passage, provided with guided embodiment practices & weekly workbooks, supported in creating intentional and personal ceremony & ritual, weekly 1-hour coaching calls, & the tools and resources to assist you in moving through radical transformation.
What you will receive ::
Weekly Workbooks & Embodiment Practices
Weekly PDFs including material around ceremony, ritual, the stages of rites of passage,
earth wisdom, & regenerative framework that you can turn to as a guide for a lifetime.
Weekly embodiment rituals, ecopsychology practices, journal prompts, and guidance on deepening into your journey.
6 Coaching & Support Calls
A weekly call to support you in peeling back the layers to what is needing to be released, alchemized, and reborn.
Continuous guidance, reflection, support, and mirroring throughout every week to support you on your journey of letting go, alchemizing, and entering a powerful season of rebirth.
Mentorship, Guidance & Support
Weekly support and access to and from Mandalynn as your guide as you dive deeply inward, sever from what is no longer in alignment, move into the the unknown, embark in a day-long ceremony, and anchor into your wholeness, next season of life, and claim who you truly are.
Radical Transformation
Space and support for you to be fully held as you let go, travel into the underworld, alehemize all that you are letting go of into all that you are becoming, and blossom with long-term sustainable change in your life.
The tools to navigate & embrace transition + change in your life.
A deepened sense of inner clarity of who you are - now, an anchoring into the next season of your life, and profound transformation into all that you are.
So that you can
Create space to deepen and blossom into your full authenticity and next stage of life.
Mark the current transition that you are in and anchor into all that you are becoming.
Spend intimate time with yourself and the more-than-human world to gain clarity on your path and a deeper sense of self as you embark in this transition.
Apply the context of the stages of rites of passage to your life to assist you in navigating change and transition, allowing your service in the world to be grounded, centered, and interconnected with the wisdom of Earth.
Allow the process of regeneration to unfold by being in an intimate process of decomposition of what no longer serves you.
Integrate and learn the beauty, power, and importance of your shadows, your pain, your past, your cyclical nature, and anchor into your power.
Develop a strong and intimate connection to the land you live within and the medicine that lies beneath your feet.
Show up in the world, in your work, in your life and in your community with empowerment and personal embodiment.
I’m your guide & companion, Mandalynn
I’m a Rite of Passage Guide, Soul Alchemist & Coach, Earth-based Ceremonialist, weaving together the wisdom & cycles of the earth, ancient tools of permaculture, regenerative framework, ecopsychology, ritual, ceremony, and rites of passage. Through my time spent living in spiritual and intentional community, I’ve found that for all of us to truly create the more beautiful world, we must cultivate the inner landscape.
Throughout the past few years I’ve embarked on the most profound rites of passage of my life (thus far) and it’s been a journey of truly coming home to myself. Beyond the mind, connected to the soul. I left my home, my “dream job,” my beliefs, my community, and basically everything that made me, me.
I surrendered to the call and trusted my intuition to lead me forward, even when none of it made sense. I allowed the things in my life to fully disintegrate, as I traversed the unknown & the liminal, deep within a cocoon of an inner winter, and ascended from the depths back into “the ordinary world.” This period of time reshaped me, alchemized me from my core, and put me into deeper alignment with my true purpose.
Through this timeframe, I integrated the tools and knowledge of ceremony, ritual, and rites of passage through a Global Ceremony & Rites of Passage Training with my teachers Haaweatea Holly Bryson from Nature Knows and Katie Asmus from Somatic Wilderness Therapy Institute. I weaved these teachings into my regenerative tool box - all of which assisted me into regenerating my inner landscape and embarking on a new journey - one that was deeply aligned with my soul.
I aim to model embodied, regenerative, and interdependent leadership, utilizing the teachings, leading from a place of deep remembrance, as well as moving through the stages of rites of passage within my own inner landscape. My deep wish is to meet you where you are at, assisting you on the journey, while standing next to you, hand in hand.
It’s an absolute honor to walk this path of regenerating the inner landscape & following the non-linear path of the soul, with you.
This journey is for you if
You are in a time of deep transition, are feeling called to step into a new beginning or make peace with an ending.
You are longing to let go of something in your life that is hindering your ability to move forward.
You are longing for clarity, support, guidance, and integration with navigating your current season of life.
You are longing to stand in your own authenticity, unique gifts, and honor your inner seasons.
You are wanting support in moving through fears, limiting beliefs, old stories and paradigms, and enter into a life that is in alignment with your soul.
You are ready for long-lasting change and transformation,
You are wanting to deepen your understanding and embodiment of personal ceremony and engagement of the stages of rites of passage.
You are needing space to go inward, to listen to the voice within, and engage in radical transformation.
You are craving to be in a container to encourage the culture of slowing down, turning inward, being with your emotions & longing, listening to Earth’s wisdom, grounding into your personal truth & vision, and expanding into your next season of life.
You have the time, space, and emotional capacity to give to regenerating your inner landscape during this timeframe.

Client Testimonials

Apply for the 1:1 journey
Interested if this is the right journey for you?
I am a firm believer in ensuring that you feel 100% aligned with this journey and feel that it is the right fit for you with where you are at in your life and if you have the capacity to move through this journey.
If you have any questions and want to set up a time for us to connect for 30 minutes, schedule a time below.
I look forward to connecting with you!