“Our psyches, souls, and bodies cannot heal without also healing our ecosystem and our relationship to other species. Similarly, planetary healing cannot be achieved without healing ourselves. In nature, everything is intertwined with everything els…

“Our psyches, souls, and bodies cannot heal without also healing our ecosystem and our relationship to other species. Similarly, planetary healing cannot be achieved without healing ourselves. In nature, everything is intertwined with everything else. Each of the parts depend on all other parts.”

Deepen your connection to Earth through Ecopsychology practices and Earth-mentorship.

Ecopsychology is the study of the emotional connection between human beings and the Earth. Scientifically and spiritually, Ecopsychology interlaces our mentality with the natural world. These sessions reconnect you to balanced, healthy and sustainable relationship with life itself. We are able to open up to Nature being our ultimate teacher, showing us what we need to know to live in balance.


How can Ecopsychology transform your life?

We are of the Earth and have forgotten our inherent connection. When we connect to the Natural world, we connect back to our natural way of being, allowing personal, social and environmental wellbeing. By deepening our connection, we learn the language of Nature, assisting us in our individual healing to ensure we live in ways that are harmonious and regenerative.

Many of the personal problems we face today stem from our isolation and disconnection from the natural world and one another. Our daily removal from nature’s ways blinds our mentality so that we cannot see the separation from our other body, Earth and all of our Nature, wounds our psyche. Through participating in Ecopsychology sessions, you are provided with the opportunity to develop an ever-lasting relationship with the natural world, continuing to bring you back into alignment with your truest, most alive and connected self. We will discover a renewed connection with our senses, develop a reciprocal relationship with our environment and deepen the unified connection that we long for.

We are rewilding.

After each session, you will be provided with tools to connect deeper to Earth’s wisdom and your natural and vital state of being. Ravish in the gifts Earth has to offer and grow into the most beautiful and fullest version of yourself.

Are you seeking to cultivate a connection to your environment?

We thirst to feel alive and connected to life, as our modern daily lives are typically isolated and disconnected. By pursuing ecopsychology sessions, you will be given the tools and guidance to meet you where you are in your connection to living systems and create everlasting and nourishing bonds. The deeper we connect to the nourishment of our planet, the more aligned we become to the fullness of our being.


The forest heals our bodies, minds and spirits.

Ecopsychology goes beyond healing our psyches as connecting to the natural world promotes healthy immune functioning, lowers stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, and provides profound rejuvenation. Plants release chemicals called “terpenes” to protect themselves, attract insects and animals, and warn other plants to mobilize their immune system. These terpenes communicate directly with our immune system and unconscious without us even needing to touch them. Forest air boosts the number of natural killer cells within our bodies.

Forest bathing, also known as shinrin-yoku, is known as “taking in the forest atmosphere.” In today’s Japan, taking in the forest atmosphere is an officially recognized method of preventing disease as well as a supplement to treatment.

One single day in the wilderness increases the number of our natural killer cells in the blood by 40 percent on average. If you spend two days in a row in a wooded area, you can raise the number of your natural killer cells by more than 50 percent.

To benefit from these effects, we don’t need to do anything in the woods. We just simply need to be and soak in the natural healing power of the Earth. Biological communication with the tress just happens without our conscious contribution.


Cultivating the Inner Landscape

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initiate your connection.

Are you wanting to create a connection to the Earth and don’t even know where to begin? The Ecopsychology initiation session will allow you to start dipping your toes into your connection, as you will be gently supported and guided with your level of comfortability.


deepen your roots.

Ecopsychology mentorship provides you with one-on-one sessions to deepen your connection with the Earth. The sessions will nourish your thirst for the connection you have been longing for. If you are seeking to deepen your relationship with the Earth, bring Earth’s wisdom into your daily life and incorporate your connection into your daily life, this is for you. I will provide you the tools and guidance you need to cultivate the ever-lasting connection that will bring your life into fruition.


grow wider with your community.

Come together as a group with your beloveds as we all dive into our connection Earth. When we connect deeply to the Earth with the ones that we love, we allow the walls to drop and veil to be lifted. Build connections that are intimate, loving, insightful, and exhilarating.



“Mandalynn is a very connected soul, with that she offers you a peek inside her connection to nature which helps bring you closer to your own. Each nature connection I have participated in with Mandalynn has been profound! She is an Earth Goddess that has awakened the Earth Goddess in me.”

~ Soma Mayee


“Last year I had the opportunity to attend this nature connection workshop. It was the first time I consciously established a relationship to the environment around me. Developing a deeper sense of connection to myself and those around with the reminder and experience that we are nature, I found it refreshing and rejuvenating spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally!
When is the next one?!?!
Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude.”

~ Tyler S.


“Mandalynn’s ecopsychology sessions truly have opened my eyes, mind, and heart to a new, yet timeless way of connecting to Nature. She has a way of encouraging true connection with our natural surroundings that makes the participant feel safe and understood. Mandalynn’s passion for ecopsychology is inspiring and anyone who has experienced a nature connection with her will forever look at the natural world with a deeper, appreciative, and more authentic view.”

~ Gloria R.


“I was blessed to attend a three-day reconnect to Nature event with Mandalynn back in February 2020 at Kashi Retreat Center in Sebastian Florida. It was like spending three days with Mother Nature herself. Mandalynn introduces you back to Nature as if it were her family or an old friend. The program included, the science behind why we feel so good out in nature, meditation, reflection, writing and music. If you ever get the opportunity to attend one of her programs I highly recommend it. You will not regret being pulled into her orbit.”

~ Ami F.

It is a connection that has evolved over millions of years. Human beings come from nature. We should therefore be considered a part of nature, just like all other life forms.